Alex Ransom is an Evolutionary Astrologer as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green.
Spellbound by the stars since childhood, Alex has been studying and mastering Astrology for over twenty years. Prior to Astrology, Alex studied Philosophy, Psychology, and Yoga, and fuses all three to elevate within life and guidance within her sessions. She currently resides in Topanga Canyon, CA.
Coyote Star Astrology was named in reverence to Santo, her canine companion for over 11 years.
Photo: Denis M. Hannigan

Alex and Santo
Photo: Denis M. Hannigan
"In contrast to the belief that astrology somehow “compartmentalizes” the individual, the natal chart hands the seeker a guidance system supporting FREE WILL, an instrument for evolution, a compass pointed in the direction of unfolding and everlasting change.
Astrology helps us move away from “this is just the way I am’ into “these are my compulsions, my patterns, and my tendencies”.
Where the mind creates traps, the chart provides the keys. Blind spots are located, and once nebulous phantoms of the psyche are given form.
The equations run forwards and backwards, doors cyclically open and close, opportunities rise and fall like waves. Life, after all, is a spiral.
Time is the great over-seer, the minutes click by as the wheel turns, the owner of the chart is given chance after chance to learn to know itself.
This ancient technology is my greatest teacher and love. I see the way it guides the native back to the arms of their highest purpose again and again, with numerical precision and accuracy.
I see that we were granted a guide for our journey through pain to triumph. This gift is one of the greatest testaments I have seen that our Creator is a creature of compassion; for those who refuse to grow are given an unlimited supply of patience from the higher Master Architect.
Your success is in fact, inevitable.
Lifetime after lifetime, The Great Eye blinks back from beyond the grid of geometry, and it is kind.
This devastatingly misunderstood lost Art and Science is being reclaimed, and it excites me as more and more awaken to get to know themselves through it. As it rises from the ashes, so will we. Your birth chart was granted to you, from the moment you chose to arrive to this strange and beautiful alien landscape. It holds all the magic they’ve tried to get you to forget. I am overwhelmed with gratitude that my purpose on this planet is interpreting this tool to help us remember.
-Alex Ransom
Coyote Star Astrology