Current Astrology Vibes
Reflecting on the Aquarius and Pisces themes from Mystery School last night, I wanted to plug a recent podcast series I have been listening to that is so in-line with the astrological weather. It's called The Telepathy Tapes and it is one of the most important podcasts I have ever listened to. It is about the ability of telepathy and other quantum gifts that autistic people have. They open the doors to what is possible and we have a lot to learn from them. They can telepathically communicate with their caregivers, their teachers, each other (in the 1,000s on 'The Hill'), and people that have crossed over.. and their message is beautiful. The series is an awesome remembering of what we are capable of (thank you pisces NN), especially in these times. Would love to hear others thoughts on this podcast!! Start from the first episode and listen in order is my suggestion.
~ <3 Sonja