I am Sun, Moon, and Rising Virgo. Whewww.....thats a really good idea. I always feel the full moon and new moon INTENSELY and I try to prepare for it. But still somehow and triggered to no end. I have Cancer north node Capricorn South Node.
Wow! I have NEVER met a triple Virgo! Intense! Virgo's are very psychic and empathic so it also may not be YOUR feelings! Interesting! And having a Cancer NN is most definately a constant activation of the moon I'd say! Wherever the Moon goes there you are with the NN! Crazy! Hang in there! This may be out there for you to understand but maybe you will since you are a member here. When I am trying to figure out if the feelings are mine, someone else's or what is happening in the collective , I ask in my mind to my guides and guardian angel "If this is mine help me to ride it out and release it very soon, and if this is not mine please make it go away now and release what does not serve my highest good so I can go about my day" I would say 9 times out of 10 if it is not mine it is gone within minutes! I do this with everything now to help me when I go into public places since I am a psychic sponge! Good luck to you!
Wow that is amazing advice, thank you so much. Sometimes emotional highs seemingly come out of nowhere so I think I will start doing that to see if it's actually my emotions I'm picking up on.
I'm trying really hard to learn about myself through astrology bc I know there is something I really need to figure out.
I have so much Virgo in my chart haha. It's either a blessing or a curse....
I totally get it! Finding astrology was more than just our Sun signs 10 years ago has helped me so much to accept myself for my mistakes, flaws, outbursts, etc. But mostly to learn to love myself and know my soul is here for something more than a washed up 55 year old who wished she found this 25 years ago when I was healthy and full of life and vitality and had the will to keep going! 🤪 Give yourself grace and love and enjoy the journey of astrology. It's a never-ending rabbit hole and I love it! ❤️
The July 5th Cancer new moon really brought up some family/ mother/ father wounds. Very INTENSE feelings of anger and abandonment. Its slowly easing off but the 5th and 6th really hit me hard.
I'm so sorry you had a challenging few days. Where is your moon by chance? I totally understand the anger and intense feelings! I start to feel everything with the moon cycles about 2 days before if it is aspecting my Cancer Moon in any way. One suggestion that may help that has helped me, is keeping a Moon Journal. Write down daily any feelings you have or just letting out and writing down any feelings when you are having the intense anger and any feelings that may or may not be yours! I find that when the moon is going through any of the cardinal signs it is squaring or opposing my moon and if I feel the feelings bubble up I know why! Keeping track of this helps me just to stay home or to stay away from any conflict that may trigger my anger or sadness because I know it will pass. I find it is not only the moon but start by following the moon each day and monitoring your feelings. You will be surprised what your find! Good luck!
Feeling pretty jazzed lately! I did my first paid astrology reading last week and doing another on Sunday! Transit Jupiter is in my 5th trining my natal Jupiter and Uranus in Libra in 9th AND forgot about it also trining transit Pluto in my 1rst house! Been a long time coming. I've been too terrified to just get out there and do it. On March 11th I signed up for a psychic fair that was to be on May 3rd and 4th to do cold 15 minute astrology readings. I panicked and taught myself to sew and then sewed my ass off for 40 days and created 78 tarot/crystal/tablet bags in all shapes and sizes to sell instead. So glad I did because the internet wouldn't have been available for me. I put a sign up saying that I was offering an entry for a free astrology reading with purchase. Got the courage to start talking to people about what I was offering with a purchase of a bag and then I had 4 people sign up for a reading to do at a later time. I also have several custom bag orders to make so I am busy as fuck now. So CLASSIC example of transit Jupiter in 5th house! Just what I wanted to be after my Chiron return in 2018 and then the cluster fuck in my 12th House almost killed me and finally Pluto in my 1rst house honestly feels like a breath of fresh air. I most definately felt it when it went back into Capricorn. Ready for it's 3rd trip to be over so I can let it all go. Lost my Beloved Father in February on it's second trip back. I will never be the same. Thanks for reading.
Thank you so much Alex! 💝 My second one was yesterday and lasted about 4 hours! My brain was fried and slowly learning about boundaries and shutting the fuck up! 🤣🤪
I am Sun, Moon, and Rising Virgo. Whewww.....thats a really good idea. I always feel the full moon and new moon INTENSELY and I try to prepare for it. But still somehow and triggered to no end. I have Cancer north node Capricorn South Node.
The July 5th Cancer new moon really brought up some family/ mother/ father wounds. Very INTENSE feelings of anger and abandonment. Its slowly easing off but the 5th and 6th really hit me hard.
Feeling pretty jazzed lately! I did my first paid astrology reading last week and doing another on Sunday! Transit Jupiter is in my 5th trining my natal Jupiter and Uranus in Libra in 9th AND forgot about it also trining transit Pluto in my 1rst house! Been a long time coming. I've been too terrified to just get out there and do it. On March 11th I signed up for a psychic fair that was to be on May 3rd and 4th to do cold 15 minute astrology readings. I panicked and taught myself to sew and then sewed my ass off for 40 days and created 78 tarot/crystal/tablet bags in all shapes and sizes to sell instead. So glad I did because the internet wouldn't have been available for me. I put a sign up saying that I was offering an entry for a free astrology reading with purchase. Got the courage to start talking to people about what I was offering with a purchase of a bag and then I had 4 people sign up for a reading to do at a later time. I also have several custom bag orders to make so I am busy as fuck now. So CLASSIC example of transit Jupiter in 5th house! Just what I wanted to be after my Chiron return in 2018 and then the cluster fuck in my 12th House almost killed me and finally Pluto in my 1rst house honestly feels like a breath of fresh air. I most definately felt it when it went back into Capricorn. Ready for it's 3rd trip to be over so I can let it all go. Lost my Beloved Father in February on it's second trip back. I will never be the same. Thanks for reading.